How do you like being called a " sling "?
The Times of India "refers stop menstruation to you as just that, in an article published Acadia S. Dailey 18 May 2011, which says:" The excess is involved as he is reminded of their natural role sling each month . .. "
Not only are you a baby carrier , but also its " natural function "! The article continues: " There is no denying that many stop menstruation of us want to get rid of the monthly test better than we can ... " .
Want to stop the phenomenon of rain just because it is embarrassing to be in the open air while wet?
We have stop menstruation become a commodity -based culture that we are trying to eliminate any disorder , regardless of the consequences . Imagine a world without rain : stay warm temperatures , the sun shines all year round , you can enjoy the outdoors 365 days a year without having to refuel heat stop menstruation or boots , it's just another day paradise! Or is it ?
Have you noticed stop menstruation how the air is slowly drying up ? Herbs have yellowed , similar trees. Streams, creeks, rivers and lakes gradually shrink and dry, having no rain to replenish. It takes time to evaporate to nothing but their demise is inevitable. The animals began to die as their water sources disappear, and wait, and we ? Where can we drink? Our warehouses are almost empty. Good stop menstruation, but not more annoying rain falls , is not it a good thing? ?
The preparation of a pill that eliminates the rules is like creating a method to eradicate the rain!
Both menstruation and rain are vital for our life cycle . Anyone can be a disadvantage , or enjoyed , depending on your attitude stop menstruation and willingness !
If ever hot and took a child in the rain splashed into a pallet or lift his head and tried to get some drops on the tongue stop menstruation, you know how happy the rain "problem" can be! And , yes, there must also have been very disturbed by the rain several times, we all have . Is this a good reason to start working on methods for the elimination of the rain?
The suppression of menstruation is also shortsighted that the abolition of the rain!
Starting with the stop menstruation fact that we do not know what the long-term hormonal effects could be , removing menstruation is tempered with the model of femininity ! Women are cyclical beings . We ebb and flow of the moon, danced a monthly rate of expansion and contraction, we move from the outside to be related modes of action to dream , and vice versa ... Similarly , we can not stop menstruation thrive in a world without rain, we can not prosper in a way to be cute . This is the way women are wired ...
But what about PMS , cramps , mood swings?
Remember to be miserable stop menstruation in the rainy reveling in there face ? Rain no problem for us . It is there for a reason , and calls us to be happy in it, if we choose . Similarly , premenstrual syndrome and physical or emotional symptoms associated with menstruation is a reason for that . They are our body wise way to attract attention to the need to stop, rest , go inward , replace ... The suppression stop menstruation of menstruation is to kill the messenger !
Thank your place ...
We can thank our bodies to remind us that we were on the road and it is time to leave for a while . We appreciate the opportunity to take stock , to renew ourselves emotionally, physically as our belly renewed shedding stop menstruation its lining each month.
The fight against the message of our body will produce symptoms , or worse ignore soft . Taking a break on the first day of your period, even if you can only save a few minutes in the morning before anyone else in the house gets up stop menstruation, it will help tone the inner rhythm . Use this time (hours or all day if possible) a reflection on what is bypassing the end of the cycle , and what you want to host in the beginning ...
Soon you may stop menstruation find that you draw strength and pace of your renewed body, instead of trying to stop it.
Manufacturers pill menstrual suppression encourage you not to bother . For all days are the same : sunny, dry and linear.But you enjoy listening : stop menstruation pharmaceutical companies or their own bodies ?
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