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Causes of phobias

A phobia is a fear, a causes of phobias fear that for many people is debilitating and life-changing . But we will explore the concept of fear for one second. Fear is good . Fear is an emotion that protects us when we are in danger . Imagine a world without fear, and you imagine a world of disorder and anarchy. Without fear causes of phobias, we would have little or no incentive to behave and protect. Fear is the path to our brain to protect us.

Over time we learned causes of phobias to be afraid of certain things and situations . It is the fear that protects us against snakes, sharks, and situations that may affect us. We have reason to be afraid of snakes - many of which are toxic, and even if they kill us, we know the better we feel the pain. Similarly, we know that if we fall from a great height , it is likely to break a leg or even die . So in these situations , causes of phobias we have reason to be afraid, because it protects us.

Most people do not particularly like spiders or snakes , but suffer from a severe phobia. So when is this a normal fear becomes causes of phobias a phobia , and what makes some people develop a phobia of situations and objects of every day?

The answer to what makes causes of phobias a phobia is unique to each individual, but certain situations can help the situation. For example, a person suffering from a panic attack in an elevator can avoid taking a lift after the fear of having another panic attack, despite the fact that the environment probably played no role in the attack initial. The individual, perhaps unconsciously , blame the elevator to the attack, and , causes of phobias finally , the elevator and the panic attack to be so closely related that soon afraid of elevators and confined spaces has developed point and the person is claustrophobic .

A phobia can causes of phobias be inherited , or rather taught. Consider the case of Brian , a 11 year old boy who is afraid to fly. Why is a Tyra old fear of flying ? The answer may be that his mother is afraid. We learn from our parents, and we trust them to protect us. Therefore, if our father, who is supposed to protect us , are afraid of something, we learn it must be bad and that we also need to be afraid of him. causes of phobias The great danger here is that what might be a slight fear in a parent , can become a debilitating phobia full in a child.

The only thing we all have in common are psychological it, and therefore the treatment of causes of phobias is . By understanding why we suffer from a specific phobia , we can begin to deal with. One of the best ways to treat it is hypnosis . Hypnosis works by re - training the subconscious mind to react differently to the phobia. By doing this unconsciously , a lot of stress and anxiety treatment is taken for the customer - for many people , even about your phobia can cause severe causes of phobias stress.

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