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Rhabdomyosarcoma cancer

Rhabdomyosarcoma cancer is a type of cancer that occurs mainly in children, which mimics many conditions. Parents confused as an ear infection, sore throat or frequent nosebleeds. But is deadly - and if you're a parent, you have the responsibility to recognize. Learn about it, signs and symptoms and treatment options for this debilitating disease it, defined

Definition it By, type of tumor that occurs in the soft tissues. Origin is supposed to involve muscle cells. "Rhabdomyosarcoma cancer is a type of cancer, which means that it is a malignant tumor that has the potential to spread to other parts of the body, including bone marrow, lymph nodes and lungs" said Dr. Amy Dy, the head of the University of the Philippines hematology and oncology.

Rhabdomyosarcoma cancer is a type of cancer that can start anywhere, but most often occurs in the head and neck. Also occurs in the genitourinary system and in all ends.

Rhabdomyosarcoma cancer, Risk Factors:

Risk factors for it include both genetic and environmental factors. (SOURCE) In the United States, less than ten million children suffering from rhabdomyosarcoma cancer. Tumor most common in children soft tissues, especially in the two age groups: 2 to 6 years and again at 15 and 19 years.

Read on to know how marijuana, even during her single life may predispose children to come with it.

People with genetic abnormalities are predisposed to rhabdomyosarcoma cancer. People with a mutation in the p53 gene are particularly at risk. The p53 gene is a gene that inhibits the growth of cancer, if it mutates, it loses this ability.

Radiation exposure increases the risk of rhabdomyosarcoma cancer. How to survive a nuclear catastrophe is something to be thankful, but it can also mean suffering from a lot of cancers, including it. If your mother had an x-ray when she was pregnant with you, it also raises the risk.

parents of cannabis predisposes the child to be born with it, even before the child was conceived. If your father smoked a new series in his teens before I met your mother, even if it was a high risk of developing rhabdomyosarcoma cancer other children whose parents have never smoked marijuana.

It can certainly mimic benign conditions that do not receive medical care in a timely manner. But if you're a parent, it is your responsibility to find out about the many signs and symptoms of it and why these symptoms are similar to other benign conditions. Rhabdomyosarcoma cancer, when diagnosed early, which leads to better treatment outcomes.

These are the signs and symptoms of rhabdomyosarcoma cancer and why it appears to many benign. Although it often occurs in children, read on to learn more about the signs and symptoms of it. Note: See the first symptoms in their children means early diagnosis and a better outcome.

Rhabdomyosarcoma cancer: Signs and symptoms

Now this is where things get vague: it can manifest signs or symptoms. Read on to learn how you can detect if your child rhabdomyosarcoma cancer.

Signs and symptoms of it depends on the tumor grows. "For example, if the tumor develops in the eyeball, eye rises. If it is located in the throat, which can cause a hoarse voice. Rhabdomyosarcoma cancer of the ear may be manifested by ear flow recurrent, which may erroneously as a sign of chronic otitis media instead.

Other signs and symptoms accompany rhabdomyosarcoma cancer, such as weakness, fatigue, fever and loss of appetite. These are very general statements, but if you find that your child has any of them and you can not explain why, it's time to take the test.

Rhabdomyosarcoma cancer: diagnosis and treatment

It can be difficult to find, but recurrent symptoms accompanied by other unexplained events can help identify the diagnosis. Read on to find out how this condition is diagnosed and treated.

    A biopsy is the most important diagnostic test for it. A piece of tumor tissue is examined under a microscope. When the tumor is small enough, it can be completely removed with biopsy become both a diagnostic and therapeutic part.
    Other procedures are performed at the stage of rhabdomyosarcoma cancer. After a positive biopsy, CT scan, bone marrow biopsy and / or PET scan can be made based on signs and symptoms.
    Tests to determine the basic function are also made. Chemotherapy is late, which requires proof of the kidneys, bone marrow and liver function.
    There is no specific tumor marker in the blood to help detect it. Some cancers have specific tumor markers, so that the diagnosis more convenient. Unfortunately, this is not the case in rhabdomyosarcoma cancer.
    Surgery and chemotherapy are the standard treatment for rhabdomyosarcoma cancer. Radiotherapy may or may not be included depending on the scene.
    The use of a port-a-cath continued to chemotherapy. It is a type of central venous catheter is unobtrusive and discreet, which means that the child will not be affected even when the catheter is left in place for the duration of chemotherapy.
    Children need to understand that rhabdomyosarcoma cancer. "Many children are confused by anything that happens if you do not explain what is happening. Become more cooperative as they understand, "said Dr. Dy.

Rhabdomyosarcoma cancer: Forecasts and results

it can lead to weakness or death if not treated properly. Below is the expected outcome in patients with it.

    In phase I and II rhabdomyosarcoma cancer, about 8-9 out of 10 children survive the first three years.
    In Phase III, only 7 children survive the first three years, due to the involvement of lymph nodes.
    Stage IV, only a quarter of patients who survive to the distant spread to other parts of the body.

Rhabdomyosarcoma cancer can mimic many conditions, but when parents receive information about what is and how it manifests itself, there is a greater chance to catch it early and improve treatment outcomes. Knowing the signs and symptoms of rhabdomyosarcoma cancer alert you to suspicious. If your friend, brother or sister has a son, share what you've learned today.

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