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Menstruation symptoms

All women experience menstrual menstruation symptoms disorders sometimes during their childbearing years before menopause. While Western medication has never viewed that irregular menstruation is a problem of women reproductive system , traditional Chinese medicine looks at this problem seriously. If it is not treated, it dais- harmonization women ecosystem , leading to nervous tension and other health menstruation symptoms problems , including infertility .

Kidney is of vital importance for nutrition and moisture to the body and support the role of the uterus in the natural process of conception. The kidney yang deficiency interferes with the normal menstrual cycle and menstruation symptoms fertility.

Symptoms of imbalance kidney yang deficiency are:

1 . Cold and pain in the lower abdomen during or after menstruation
Since kidney menstruation symptoms yang is important to heat and maintain a healthy design uterus , kidney yang deficiency causes a cold to accumulate in the matrix interferes with normal renal function in the regulation of the temperature of the uterus, which leads to muscle contraction , resulting in lower abdominal cramps and pain .

Two . Small menstruation symptoms amount of dark menstrual fluid
Spleen is important to help the heart to carry blood to the reproductive organs and support kidney blood vessels nourishing and moisturizing body. Yang deficiency reduces blood and fluid in the reproductive organs, which leads to a small amount of dark periods.

Three . Low lumbar pain and leg
Yang is necessary to support the daily activity in the body. Yang deficiency causes constriction of the lower back menstruation symptoms and leg muscles.

April. Deep and weak pulse
Yang deficiency causes slow movement of the blood, resulting in a deep and low pulse.

May pale tongue
Yang is necessary for the circulation of blood, yang deficiency causes abnormal liver function blood storage and training menstruation symptoms , leading to blood and qui stagnation , which pale complexion .

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